Sunday, February 28, 2010

Prep Work

We are continuing preparation for the trip. Plane tickets have been purchased and all lodging reservations, save one, have been made. We also have some ideas on how to deal with bike transport and on how to store the boxes while we ride since they would be a bit awkward to carry for two weeks on the bikes!

House and animal sitting have been arranged (mostly-still not sure what to do with the cat).

Now we just have to start actually riding the bikes regularly to be ready for riding lots of mileage everyday. Okay, I have to start riding regularly, Rob has started commuting to work again already since we have been having unseasonably warm weather. In fact, I am sitting outside in the mid-morning sunshine right now and several groups (pods? herds? gaggles!) gaggles of geese, presumably heading north, have flown overhead, honking as they go. Wait, are they still a gaggle when flying in V formation or is that only when they are on the ground? Anyway, doesn't matter. The point is that it has been quite warm for Salt Lake City in February.

We have also been practing our French, each according to his skill level. I have been taking Conersational French I at the U, while Rob has been reading Important French Literature in the original French. Though he did admit to struggling a bit with the Dumas, poor thing, while I struggle to order beer and ask for the toilet. Hmph.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Rob says

J'aime voyagee en France au velo. Faites attention Lance!